Frequently Asked Questions
I'd like to join St. Martin de Porres parish. How do I do this?
We happily welcome new parishioners to our parish family.
If you would like, please complete the Parish Registration Form and return it to the office in person or by email. You'll then be added to our parish registry.
I'd like to make a donation. How do I do this?
There are several ways to donate to the church, its services, and its causes. Our Get Involved page has information on some of them. Call the office for more information on donations.
I'd like to get myself or my children more involved. Are there any groups I can join?
There are a number of groups you or your children could join. Check out the What's Happening page to find what groups are available to join, when and where they meet, and contact information to find out more.
I'd like to know more about the Catholic Women's League or the Knights of Columbus. Where can I find this information?
You can call the parish office at 306-586-5655 or visit the pages for the Catholic Women's League or the Knights of Columbus.
Is there a Children's Liturgy or Mass?
There is a special children's liturgy at 10 AM mass every Sunday. The pastor calls forward the children at the beginning of mass, and they'll be led to a special class in a room near the parish hall.
Are there masses during the week?
There is usually a mass at 8 AM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. (See the bulletin or the Home page for the weekly schedule.)
I'd like to rent the hall for an event. How much does it cost and how do I do this?
The hall can be rented for special events like weddings, for example, for a flat fee of $810. This includes set up and take down of tables and chairs, use of the kitchen and a preparation room, as well as the use of dishes and cutlery, etc. There is also a $300 damage deposit that is separate from the $810 fee. This deposit is payable when the contract to rent the hall is signed. For other events, the hall can be rented at an hourly rate of $50. Please note: both rental rates are subject to change.
Where do I get my income tax receipts?
Income tax receipts covering an individual's donations to the parish can be picked up from the office.
Please phone the office at 306-586-5655 to confirm that it will be open.
I'd like to prepare myself or my child for a sacrament. How do I arrange this?
Sacraments include Baptism, Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. Dates vary slightly each year, so contact the parish office directly at 306-586-5655 or view the Sacrament Preparation Page for more info.
Marriage - Eight months notice. Contact a pastor.
Baptism - Register in September, January or April by calling the parish office at 306-586-5655.
First Eucharist, First Reconciliation and Confirmation - Register in September.
Who runs the parish?
Father Peter Pham is the pastor of St. Martin de Porres parish. He and the Pastoral Council take care of the needs of the parish.