Parish Services
Mass Services
Please see the home page for an up-to-date mass schedule
Sacrament Preparation
See our Sacrament Preparation page for information on preparation for sacraments, such as baptism, first reconciliation, first communion and confirmation, and marriage.
Cab Service
Our Stewardship Committee has put into place a Cab Service for those who would like a ride to and from Church. Please note this service is for rides to and from church only. It is not intended to take you to the grocery store. See the Cab Service Pamphlet for a full description of the program, procedures to follow, and contact numbers if you have questions.
Care Giving Ministry
For ministry to shut-ins or the bereaved, communion to the sick, or any other needs, please call the office at 306-586-5655.
Hospital Visits
If you or a friend would like a visit, please call the office at 306-586-5655. To contact a hospital chaplain, see our Spiritual Care page.
Memorial Fund
In memory of deceased loved ones, donations may be made through the office. The deceased one's name is then recorded in the book at the front of the Church.
Prayer Community
Call one of the following ladies and our Parish Community will pray for you and your loved ones:
Charlotte at 306-584-5688
Mary Anne at 306-586-1168
Eileen at 306-586-3722
Parish Library
Our library would be happy to receive donations of suitable books to add to our already impressive collection. Please take a few minutes to check it out - it is located in the Hogan Room.
You can read reviews of some of the books available through the library.
Good Food Box
Please see or contact Yvonne at the office (306)-586-5655 for order payment and delivery dates.
Registration and Order Forms are available at the front of the church. Cash payment must accompany your order.
You can also download the Good Food Box Information and the Good Food Box Order Form.
Parish Hall
To inquire about booking or using the Parish Hall, please contact the Office at 306-586-5655 or
Prayer Shawl Ministry
"Shawls - they wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace, mother, hug, shelter and beautify." - Janet Bristow
If you would like to know more about this new ministry to our church and would like to become involved in (knitting, crocheting or praying), please do not hesitate to contact the office.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry would like to thank you for your generous donations of wool.
Websites that may be of interest:
Conquest Boys Club - Regina
PLAN - Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network
REACH - Regina Education and Action on Child Hunger
RCSD - Regina Catholic Schools