Get Involved

Parish Survey 2022

Please take a moment to fill in the survey found at each entrance or print it out here to fill it in.  We’d like to update our parish records and as you know, it takes many volunteers to run a parish.  We need some more help, especially ushers and Eucharist Ministers. We hope you consider volunteering. Once completed, place them in the baskets.  Thank you to those who already volunteer their time.

A chance to offer your time, talent, or treasure in the service of our Lord. Thank you for your interest in getting involved at St. Martin's. 


Share Your Talent and Time 

Each Mass requires Lectures, Proclaimers, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Ushers, Music and much more. 

Complete the involvement form and return it to the office through email, place it in the collections basket at mass, or drop it off at the office. 

Each parishioner is asked to complete our survey and return it to the office through email, place it in the collection basket at mass, or drop it off at the office. 

Thank you for sharing your time and the many talents God has bestowed on you to make our parish family all it can be. 

Prayer Shawl Ministry

If you would like to know more about this ministry and would like to become involved in (knitting, crocheting or praying), please do not hesitate to contact the office


Monetary donations may be made through the offertory collection during mass, at the office, or in other ways. Please use other ways during this COVID-19 crisis.

$60 for 60 Years Memorial Book Project 

You are invited to participate in our parish 60th Anniversary Memorial Book. 

All donations will be placed in the parish building fund. This is a lovely way to honour living or deceased loved ones and support our parish finances at the same time. Pamphlets are available at both entrances to the church and here with more information and purchase forms

Memorial Fund 

Automatic Debit Authorization Form 

For your weekly offering  

Non-monetary Donations

Service Organizations

Through organizations like the Catholic Women's League or the Knights of Columbus, parishioners may donate time, talent, or treasure to the Church and for community good works.


St. Martin's is holding 2 fundraisers for the month of October: a Fall Supper on October 29th and a fundraising raffle.