Parish Community

Keeping in Touch

We understand that a parish is not just a church, but a community. Although we must isolate, we still need to connect to others in our parish community.

For those who are able, we have a Facebook page. "Like" us on Facebook to keep up with what is happening at St. Martin's.

As well, we'll post items that come up that parishioners want others to know. Email our website administrator at if you'd like to pass a message on to other parishioners.

Messages from Parishioners

Congratulations to Father Brian Meredith, who has been named a second Vicar General for the Archdiocese!


Please continue to pray for the repose of the soul of Andre Belanger whose gravesite service took place last Thursday, May 7th. Also pray for the consolation for Karen and her family.


Please keep the Szysky Family in your prayers as they mourn the passing of Philip on April 5, 2020.